Selecting a component automatically incorporates the associated manufacturing processes. Every component has at least one manufacturing process associated. This manufacturing process contributes to the infant mortality defect rate. A manufacturing processes can contain one or more different failure modes, For every failure mode mostly a different mitigation strategy is required.
As example when a screw is selected the associated processes are placement of the screw and tightening the screw. The underlying failure modes are placing the wrong screw (type, lenght, material,…), forgetting to place the screw and the tightening. A screw makes the correct connection when the required torque is applied. The selected manufacturing process ranging from manual or completely automated will give a different contribution to the infant mortality rate of the product. MRMc will give insight during the design process where the risks will occur and how to minimize this.
Component properties
When selecting a component the first criteria is that it can fulfill the functionality requirement. After a succesfull selection a number of other component properties have to be secured. MRM consultancy will help you setup the structure and desicion tree top make not only the functionaliy and logistic properties. Manufacturing properties are as important as the functional and logistic properties.
Logistic component properties
A component must be obtainable so at least a number of logistic requirements must be met.
- Price
- Availability
- Commercial lifetime
- Second source
- Ordering quantity
- Ordering Time
- Packaging
- ROHs, … compliant
- Warranty period
- Materials (Conflict Minerals)
- ….
Design properties
Not only must the part be obtainable it must also fit in the mechanical, electronical, mechatronical, optical, gas/fuids, … design system(s).
- Symbol (.CAD)
- Shape (electronics)
- Simulation models
- Model
- …..
- Datasheet
- Design in instructions
- ….
Reliability properties
The part must also fulfill the designed function during the product accepted lifetime.
- Component quality (ppm or DPMO)
- Lifetime expectation (derating properties)
- …
Manufacturing properties
When the component is obtainable and fit into the design it must also be manufacturable. The processes associated with the product will determine the final product Infant Mortality Defect Rate.
- Manufacturing process(es)
- Tools
- Testable (functional and manufacturing)
- Packaging accepted by the manufacturing process
- Workinstructions
- …..
For manufacturing not only the single manufacturing process must be taken into account but also the interaction with the other designed in components. Example is the curing temperature of the glue used with respect to the maximal allowed temperature of the other components. Another is the soldering processes which takes place for all components at the same time only the maximum allowed energy per component can differ to much leading to burned components or poor solder joints.
Manufacturing Process properties
The manufacturing process properties must enable the product manufacturer to continuously deliver a controlled product quality. For this during the manufacturing process a number of process capabilities must be measured. This results in component quality data.
- Process capability in Ppk, DPMO, ppm, %, …
- Process upper and lower limit securing quality
- ….
Feedback from manufacturing and customer
To learn from the failures a feedback loop must be implemented. To have insight in the failure type an analysis have to take place. this has to e done on product level and must end with the root cause of the failure. The root cause can be either in the component or a manufacturing process which is being used. To be complete the analysis must also give insight if the failure is caused by the manufacturing process (Infant mortality) or during normal use (Constant) or use (wear out). The feedback information should always contain the Product. furthermore the component or process root cause must be included.
- Product, Component
- Product/process
Component management
Component management is how the component data is organized to get control over the outcome. Based on the above mentioned properties of a component it must be organized in such way that all information is at hand. Organizing this a database program must be set up in such way that all Component/product/manufacturing process information is coupled.